
Kerry Street Community School is an independent primary school nestled on the corner of Forrest Road and Kerry Street in Hamilton Hill. It was started in 1981 by a small group of parents who sought more active involvement in the education of their children. The school is proud to continue to offer students a unique, alternative educational experience 40 years later.

Kerry Street’s welcoming environment is perfect for families wanting to be a part of their child’s primary school experience. Whether it’s helping in the classroom, the garden, cooking school lunches or just enjoying daily experiences with their children throughout the day, the presence of parents and carers contributes to a safe, friendly and vibrant atmosphere in which children feel cared for and comfortable.

Approach to Education

The teaching staff at Kerry Street work effectively and enthusiastically to ensure children receive high-quality education within our community-spirited environment. Teachers work together and with our Education Assistants to deliver a balance of whole-school programming infused with their unique respective styles and ideas.

We follow and deliver the Australian Curriculum and Western Australian Curriculum Framework in a way that caters for each child’s particular learning requirements.

Our multi-age classrooms allow our teaching staff to respond creatively and authentically to the needs and talents of individual students. Each child is then free to work at their own level, without comparison, and at their own speed.

“Kerry Street understands that a love of learning is the foundation for academic success.”

Dr. Kevin Runions, Telethon Kids Institute

Our school fosters a hands-on approach to education, favouring exploration, interaction and projects that are relevant to real life, which is an approach that aims to keep students engaged and passionate throughout their learning journeys. An ever-developing variety of opportunities and resources are provided, through which children can discover their own interests and strengths. We believe that finding a way for children to feel inspired about learning so they can fulfil their individual potential is vital, and is a key component of our school’s educational philosophy.

Six fundamental elements underpin our schools approach to education:

Our approach is inspired by evidence-based research and incorporates a variety of current educational philosophies:

  • Play-based Education
  • Inquiry Learning
  • Nature pedagogy
  • Outdoor classrooms
  • Social constructivism
  • Multi-age collaboration
  • Loose parts

Being an accepted part of a small, caring community is often enough to give our students the confidence they need to truly enjoy their school experience. We encourage an atmosphere of openness, freedom and choice whilst recognising and respecting important boundaries within our community. Subsequently, we place great importance on constructive communication between students, families and staff, and shared concern and mutual respect for all.

Support Documents for Families

At Kerry Street Community School, we endeavour to support you and your child on their journey through primary education. We have created a range of documents to assist you with various aspects of schooling. Please click on the files below to download a copy of these resources. 

The Handbook contains a significant amount of information about key aspects of our school. It outlines term dates and contact details, provides a summary of key school policies and procedures, sets expectations, details community jobs and much more. It is a go to document for any questions you may have about how our school runs.

Kerry Street families are invited to complete jobs each term in lieu of paying levies. The Community Jobs Handbook is a reference book that contains details about how Community Jobs and School Lunch works, expectations, tips and general information. This handbook also explains school Coordinator positions and our parents can apply for these roles.

The Transition to High School document was specifically developed to assist students and their families in Years 3 – 6, in their search for a local high school, and to outline the supports we have at school for the transition. It also details the leadership cycle we have established in our upper primary classes.

At Kerry Street Community School, we recognise the significant mutual and unified connection between wellbeing and learning. Wellbeing is a multi-faceted concept involving much more than just physical health. It is a combination of a person’s emotional, mental and social health and it also reflects on how they feel about themself and their life in general. The Health and Wellbeing document provides information about our approach to a range of concepts including student wellbeing, Nonviolent Communication, transitions, Zones of Regulation, Keeping Safe Curriculum and supporting wellbeing at KSCS.

The Allied Health Professionals document provides an outline of external providers that support the wellbeing and learning of children and young people, and how the school works with these professionals. Also included is a list of recommended services within our community.