sport activity

Specialist programs

At Kerry Street, we include in our curriculum the various activities, topics and specialist subjects that suit our school, our values and our students. Where possible, these additional programs and opportunities are integrated holistically into our students’ learning experiences. If more appropriate, they are offered as separate subjects.

Intervention and Extension

At Kerry Street, our Intervention Specialist Teacher plays a pivotal role in enhancing the educational experience for students by providing targeted support in literacy and numeracy. This role involves collaborating closely with classroom teachers to identify students needing extra assistance and implementing effective strategies to help them succeed. Additionally, the intervention specialist fosters critical and creative thinking skills for extension students, ensuring that all learners are both challenged and engaged. By creating a supportive and enriching environment, our students build confidence, develop essential skills, and reach their full potential.

Sarah Weaving

Sarah firmly believes that connection and relationships are at the heart of education. She advocates for creating a safe and trusting environment that allows children to explore their world and learn effectively. A proponent of unstructured play, Sarah is actively involved in nature play, nature education, and immersion programs at Educated by Nature and the Herdsman Discovery Centre. Her passion for the natural world is evident as she enjoys observing the seasonal changes throughout the year.

A passionate reader and lover of children’s literature, Sarah delights in sharing the magic of stories, illustrations, poems, and texts with children of all ages. She encourages children to write for pleasure and to use words creatively and playfully, recognising the profound power of stories.

Sarah is a life-long learner, constantly researching new topics and exploring her local environment. She has a keen interest in understanding the intricate relationship between the brain and body and how this knowledge can help create a peaceful, loving, and just society. Her educational background includes studying Self-Reg with Dr. Stuart Shanker at the MEHRIT Centre, Interplay, and completing post-graduate studies in counseling.

In her personal time, Sarah loves dancing, practicing yoga and Pilates, and walking with her dogs. Her holistic approach to education and life reflects her commitment to supporting the mental and physical well-being of her students, helping them to thrive in all aspects of their lives.


Learning a language is a key ingredient in creating well-rounded, enthusiastic learners. Our Italian language program, led by our dedicated teacher Caroline Colliss, is a vital component of our curriculum from Year 1 through to Year 6, providing excitement, enjoyment, and challenge for both students and teachers.

Learning a foreign language is not just about exploring another culture; it’s a dynamic process that fosters communication and enriches the learning experience. Our approach emphasises practical tasks, such as drama, story-telling, cooking, role-play, speaking, and listening, creating a thoroughly enjoyable language-learning environment with a focus on engaging activities.

The benefits of language education extend beyond the language itself. Students develop a deeper understanding of language conventions through our Italian program, enhancing their English literacy and comprehension skills. Research has shown that early exposure to language education can significantly improve students’ grasp of their first language, establishing clear connections between cross-lingual phonetic and semantic patterns.

Additionally, our students experience greater cognitive capacity by navigating between different languages and enhancing multi-tasking, problem-solving, and critical-thinking abilities. Language learning at Kerry Street Community School is not just about acquiring linguistic skills; it’s a holistic journey that strengthens cognitive abilities and promotes a broader cultural awareness.

Caroline Colliss

Caroline Colliss brings a unique blend of expertise to Kerry Street Community School with a background rooted in the fusion of art, science, language, and education. Holding a Bachelor of Science in Human Movement and Italian Language and a Diploma of Education in Physical Education, Health, and Italian, Caroline has been an integral part of our community since 2016, serving as our dedicated Language and Visual Art teacher.

In her role, Caroline has exhibited dedication to enhancing the learning experience for students. Recognising the diverse needs of individual learners, she has adapted her teaching methods and materials to ensure a tailored and practical approach in the classroom.

A hallmark of Caroline’s commitment to providing an authentic language-learning experience is her establishment of connections with the Italian Village Fremantle. These connections offer students valuable opportunities to practice and immerse themselves in the authentic use of the Italian language, enriching their cultural understanding and linguistic proficiency.

Caroline further extends the celebration of Italian culture with an annual Italian Lunch, a vibrant event that brings the entire community together. During this special occasion, authentic Italian food takes centre stage, with a pasta lunch and delightful gelato desserts sourced from Swan River Gelato Fremantle, creating an immersive experience beyond the classroom.

Caroline Colliss’s passion for language, culture, and education contributes significantly to the dynamic and enriching environment at Kerry Street Community School. Through her innovative teaching methods and commitment to authentic language experiences, she continues to inspire a love for the Italian language and culture among our students.

Physical Education

Our physical education program is delivered in partnership with the BluEarth Foundation. Schools are supported by BluEarth through sessions to increase physical activity, and more importantly to make that physical activity inclusive and enjoyable through a range of programs and resources. Students also participate weekly in a variety of sports through the Sporting Schools program.

Sporting Schools Program

Kerry Street continues to benefit from the Sporting Schools program, which is part of a $100 million Australian Government initiative designed to help schools to increase children’s participation in sport, and to connect children with community sport. The aim of the program is to introduce our students to a variety of sports and connect them with community sporting clubs to develop a lifelong love of physical activity. Through exposure to different sports and qualified coaches, we hope that students’ participation in community sports will increase as they develop a love for, and understanding of, what their young bodies can achieve.

Over the years, we have participated in Soccer, Basketball, Swimming, Bike Riding, Rugby, Netball, Athletics, Volleyball, Judo, Tee-ball, Gymnastics and AFL Football. The enthusiasm and engagement of our students has been nothing short of fantastic.

Gardening and Environmental Education

Gardening and environmental education is always a focus for Kerry Street students with initiatives that get us outside and our hands in the Earth supported and planned for by our classroom teachers. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have access to the “Wilderness Area” adjacent to our Administration Building on Forrest Road. The fencing off of this space occurred in late 2019 and we have spent the majority of 2020 to date working to increase the amount of space our children have to play in.